You will have noticed that our green is being damaged by birds pecking for leather jackets (crane fly larvae). Pesticide has been applied and a re-spray may be needed, however, we follow our greenkeeper’s advice on the matter. There is a pot of top dressing located in the equipment shed that can be used to fill the holes in the short term.
Our green is cut three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The height of the grass on the perimeter of the green is kept slightly higher to give the newer turf a better chance of recovery. It still complies with the Laws of the Sport.
Every Monday morning the green has to be turned. Whoever comes first is being asked to do it. Each week the green is played in different directions. One week the green is played from the clubhouse to the back garden, the next week the green is played from the hedge on the right to the hedge on the left of the clubhouse.
On Wednesdays and Fridays the marks need to be changed. There is a rota on all notice boards outlining whether the mark should be on pink or on red. These are currently the only marks we are using based on the advice of the greenkeeper.
If you enjoy gardening please come along on Wednesday mornings from 10:30 until 1ish to join our gardening club. No experience is necessary and all help is welcome.